外国法实用链接 International Law Useful Links
发布时间:2019-03-03 09:43:07  来源:  作者:
  1. Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund: International Laws

Hong Kong

  1. Ordinance on Disability, c. 487 (1990)
  2. Disability Discrimination Ordinance (1995)


  1. Ratified CRPD (January 20, 2014)
  2. Law to Promote the Elimination of Discrimination Based on Disability (June 19, 2013)
  3. Human Resources Development Promotion Law
  4. Law for the Welfare of Physically Disabled Persons (1949, amended 1986)
  5. The Mental Health and Mentally Disabled Persons Welfare Law (1950, Amended 1993)
  6. Law for the Welfare of Mentally Disabled Persons (1960)
  7. Law for Employment Promotion and Matters related to Disabled Persons (1960, amended in 2005)
  8. Basic Law on Persons with Disabilities (1970, amended 2004)
  9. Act for Research, Development, and Dissemination of Assistive Devices (1993)
  10. Act for Promotion of Use of Communication and Broadcasting Services by Disabled Persons (1993)
  11. 1994 Labour Act
  12. Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities Act (2005)
  13. The Act on Buildings Accessible and Usable for the Elderly and Physically Disabled (June, 1994)
  14. Law concerning the Payment of Special Disability Benefit for Persons with Special Disability (2004)
  15. Act on Mental Health and Welfare 1998
  16. Law for the Support of Developmentally Disabled persons (2004)
  17. Law on the Facilitation of Movement for Aged and Handicapped Persons (2006)
  18. Law to support the Independence of Persons with Disabilities (2005)


  1. Signed CRPD
  2. Norwegian Plan for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Development Cooperation, prepared by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
  3. University- and Higher Educations Act
  4. The Education Act of 17 July 1998


  1. Ratified CRPD
  2. Ratified CRPD Optional Protocol
  3. Act Concerning Support & Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments, SFS 1993: 387
  4. Law on a Ban Against Discrmination Disabled Persons in Working Life, 1999– 132
  5. Act Prohibiting Discrimination, SFS 2003: 307
  6. Ordinance (2000:630) and Ordinance (2008:1438) on Special Measures for People with Disabilities that Impaired Work
  7. Ordinance (2000:628) on the Labor Market Policy
  8. Work Environment Act (1977 as amended 2005)
  9. 2008 Discrimination Act (SFS 2008:567)
  10. the revised 1982 Act on Job Retention (LAS)
  11. 2008 Act on Social Insurance
  12. Constitution Article 2


  1. Constitution (2000)


  1. 身心障礙者權益保障法
  2. People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act 1980

United Kingdom

  1. Ratified CRPD
  2. Ratified CRPD Optional Protocol
  3. Disability Rights Act 1999
  4. Northern Ireland, Disability Discrimination Regulations 1996
  5. Disability Discrimination Act 1995
  6. Disability Discrimination Act 2005
  7. Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001

United States of America

  1. Signed CRPD
  2. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  3. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
  4. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
  5. ADA Ammendments Act of 2008